Culinary walk of Lucknow city

Subhash Singh Noida Being an avid foodie, I joined the culinary walk of Lucknow city and what an experience it was! The delicacies of the Awadh kitchen and the old roadside eateries were just too good. The nawabs may have vanished long back but their taste in good food and wine still remains an intrinsic element of Lucknow’s character.

We take you for this evening walk and introduce you to some of delicacies of the Awadh kitchen – where the food is rich and aromatic. You can choose from any of the traditional roadside eateries that serve the best of vegetarian or delicate non vegetarian food. The food here has a unique flavour. This is a guided tour and we take care of the hygiene of each of our guest by carrying clean cutlery, napkins and bottled water. We want the client to enjoy the overall experience while we cover the rest of the Lucknow which is known world over

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